Saturday, September 27, 2014

Life Has Taken A Turn For The Not So Good

Sorry it has been so long since my last post!!!!!
Life has taken a turn for the not so good at my house : (
My husband got fired from his job...... needless to say I am a nervous wreak about it.
There aren't many jobs/companies looking for 53 year olds to hire. To be honest with you I am scared to death. As you get older the jobs are just not there any more, the job service he signed up for called and told him about a job being a handyman at a church 3o hours a week at $9.00 a hour! Hello, how the heck could we live on that! That is $5.00 less an hour than he was making and we were falling behind with that. Anyway, the issue that is causing me to loose my mind is food stamps! I have filled out all of the paper work faxing everything over to them that I could, and I mailed a copy of the loss of income form to his former employer to sign. I have no idea if his former employer will take the time to sign it and mail it back to them or not.... he did fire my husband so they aren't on the best of terms. Food stamps says they need him to sign it or I can't get it. So needless to say being a nervous eater I am binging on all the wrong stuff. I have already gained a TON of weight back which makes me so sad : (  I was so proud of myself for losing all of that weight and I had never felt so good in my life about how I looked but that is all out the window. I NEED to get ahold of myself and get back on track but when ever I think of what is all going on right now, no job, no food stamps, no money is makes me grab for something to put in my mouth...... all of the great cool looking clothes I bought at the thrift stores are getting too tight for me to wear which makes me so mad.
Well I'm sorry this post is such a downer!
I hope to get myself out of this funk and find my MoJo again soon!!!!!
Until Next Time - God Bless!