Sunday, July 27, 2014

On A Quest To Be The Best Me

I just LOVE to read books!!!! My problem is I get so many good books going at the same time, It takes me forever to finish them!
Right now I am reading:
Trim Healthy Mama
Master Your Metabolism
How Not To Look Old
How To Look Expensive
Angela Lansbury's Positive Moves
Rinnavation: Getting Your Best Life Ever
I Quit Sugar
Can't you tell from the book titles I am on a quest to be the best me!
I find it "funny" (not in a good way) how most of the books & websites I have read the women have all had plastic surgery of some kind to their bodies! I was shocked to read Angela Lansbury (I am a Murder She Wrote junky) had some work done, I just didn't think she would fall prey to that kind of madness but I guess when your livelihood is being in front of the camera you need to take drastic measures to look and stay beautiful. In Rinnavation, Lisa Rinna is very forth coming in saying she of course had her lips done, had a boob job & also has injections if I remember correctly once a month to get rid of the lines on her face. It must be so hard for actresses to get older in our society. Of course I have no intentions of having surgery or injections, I have neither the funds or the nerve to enhance my appearance in that way, so I keep searching for "beauty" books where the women actually are aging naturally and what products they are using - If you have found any please let me know?
I have found one tip so far to pass along to you:
In Trim Healthy Mama, they suggested trying Estriol-Care, using just a small amount on your face to help rid yourself of those pesky wrinkles and you know what I found it to be very helpful! Now of course nothing less than surgery is going to bring back that baby faced look you had when you were young but this product helped I think restore a "glow" to my face. I really noticed a difference in the fine lines too. When I ran out and have had to go now for a long period of time with out it due to no funds available to buy it my face looks much older again I think. If you get a chance read Trim Healthy Mama, it really has a lot of informative info. to absorb! I haven't even gotten half way with that book (it is huge) but I have found it to be very helpful.
Well I am off to try and finish us some of these books, My library must think I have lost them how long I have had them.....
Until Next Time - God Bless!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Meal Planning 101

I found a wonderful blog today off of the Trim Healthy Mama facebook page: Adventures In Womanland she has a lot of great tips & ideas on how to plan your meals. I always struggle with this and I think I spend a ton of extra money because of it. I am going to get my note book out as she suggests and get planning and see if I can't get more organized in that area!
Another bonus I found on her blog is she also dived into the exercise world via Jillian Michaels. I have requested one of the books written by Jillian that she suggested which looked really interesting, I can't wait to read it.
As for my plan to exercise every day has already hit a brick wall!!!! I do this I go all gun ho over something and then I just don't follow thru : ( I hope to get back with it tomorrow!
I did want to share with you one of my thrift store outfits, I bought everything: my jewelry, shirt, pants, belt, bra & shoes (except for my undies) used. I think I spend close to $10.00 for the entire outfit! I LOVE thrift store shopping : )
Until Next Time -God Bless!!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Am I Becoming a Jogger? Oh My!

I was hoping to post each day since I started "jogging" on how it was going and already I missed a few updates! I must do better!!
Well, Okay your going to fall off your chair but it's true what they say that if you just get off your butt and get out there it really does make a difference! I got myself out there and "jogged" a bit & walked a bit trying to do a little more "jogging" each time and I am feeling a bit better. Today I was bone tired from not sleeping well (we have been having issues with people trying to shoot the wild pigs by our house again), I got up knowing I just did not have enough energy to do my morning "jog", but my body wanted to do something.... It was strange, I was kinda fighting with my body - It WANTED to get out there, but my brain was too fried to do it. I kind of compromised  and got out there and walked my usual "jogging" route. I am liking the changes I am seeing already, now lets not get crazy here I'm not talking about major things I only started a few days ago but my insides are liking this new activity & just maybe I am a little less brain fogged. I hope I can keep this up!
I have found a wonderful website that has been a ton of help & a great motivator too:
She has a lot of wonderful tips & ideas on how to get started on exercising, weight loss & menu planning - Check it out you won't be disappointed.

Until Next Time God Bless!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

I Need To Get My Butt In Gear And Excercise!!

Where to start.......
I am SOOOOOOOO disappointed with myself!!!!!
I had lost 50 pounds, and I was feeling GREAT - I mean it GREAT! I had a renewed sense of life, I was out and about always on the move. My body was HAPPY that's the best way I can explain it. Well not no more! I have gained I would guess around 10 pounds back (I haven't gotten on the scale because I am so sick of myself). The weight is all setting right in my belly so it is not hard to see. I complain about it all the time but the funny thing is I just don't have the drive to get myself back to where I want to be for some reason..... I just don't understand it since I felt so much better why would I let myself get like this again???? I ask myself that all the time too and I just can't seem to find the answers. Of course I can find a TON of reason why I allow my self to eat the junk that is adding on the pounds, like this morning I ate almost an entire box of weight watchers ice cream bars for breakfast - What the Hell!!!!! When I am stressed I eat, there is my problem. When I lost all the weight before life was good here, we had no money worries which made a huge difference for me. Now things are back to living week to week if that, we are usually borrowing for next weeks pay to get thru this week. My first thought is to get an ice cream bar or just a few pieces of candy or maybe grab a jar of peanut butter and eat away when I need to escape from my worries. I really want to stop this NOW before I gain more back and slip back to my old self which I didn't care for. So with your help I am going to add in exercise and try and get back to my better way of eating by blogging about my struggles instead of eating. I am grabbing myself by the boot straps and am pulling up : )
After eating the box of ice cream bars this morning I said no more and pulled on my sports bra & sneakers and got out there and jogged (I use that word lightly) around the block. I would be misleading you if I didn't tell you I only jogged just to my neighbors mail box and then had to walk most of the rest of the way around but I got out there it is a start. I went a little after 9am this morning and it was already too hot and humid here in my part of Florida (even my dog who I took with me had his tongue hanging down to the ground). Tomorrow I have to get my butt up even earlier and get out there. I am going to use a measuring tape to give me a starting point as to where I am now so "hopefully" I can see some improvement with my new exercise routine.
I want to get back to this happy body, picture taken 4/6/2014!!!!
Until Next Time - God Bless!!