Friday, July 24, 2015

One Of Those Days.....

Yea, It's one of those days where I feel like crying!
I wish I could win a million dollars and just get away for awhile from everything.
Today my boss was such a bitch to me it was terrible. I just hate when she talks to me like I am dirt and have no feelings. My husband says I am just too thin skinned, that the working world now a days is nasty at best and I am seeing what he means. I get it that my boss is under major stress with a number of things but I just don't get why she has to be mean to me when I haven't done anything to her ever! I have always felt that being nice gets you so much further in life than if you are a bitch. It's so hard for me to just let it roll off my back, it hurts me when she talks mean to me. Why be like that to your employees? I just don't get it.
Anyway, I am really thinking that a lot of my weight issues is because I am always so stressed at work. Now I know what you are probably saying how can there be stress when you clean cat boxes & an office - I know you would think that it a no brainer but every day there is issues. I am just that kind of person who doesn't handle stress very well at all. So needless to say I bought another box of weight watcher ice cream (that's been almost a box EVERY day this week!). My size small shirts are starting to get tight on me : (  I am really going to have to grab myself and pull myself together!!

Until Next Time - God Bless!!

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