If you have been reading my blog you all know I had lost 50 pounds. Now this was a HUGE accomplishment for me to say the least. I have wanted to loss weight for YEARS and it just didn't happen. I felt terrible about myself in so many ways that it was pathetic that I kept going without losing some weight. I kept waiting for that light bulb to go off telling me now is the time do it, but is never came. Then when I got to 50 years old everything changed for me. You wake up one morning and you can see things more clearly than you ever have. That's when I told myself lets get it done Donna and I did! I will share my weight loss tips with you over the next couple of blog posts, see if any of them help you.
First off, If you wake up each morning feeling like crap it is going to be harder than ever to lose weight. Try and get yourself feeling up beat and not dragging, now how to do that you may ask? Well let me tell you when I lost the weight things in my life where going great. We had no money problems, I was feeling good, I was happy each day. It really helps to try and lessen your stress load when trying to lose weight. I know I am a MAJOR stress eater and the minute things start to stress me out I run for a quick pick me up - usually chocolate. You can not feel your best no matter what weight you are if you are always stressed! It just weighs you down something terrible in so many ways. So my first tip is: Right now grab a note book and write down the things that are stressing you out, it might be money problems, the kids are testing your last nerve, your husband is always picking at you about one thing or another, ect. write it all down. After your done take a good look at what you wrote and see what you can do about them to make YOU feel better about it. Seeing the issue on paper & thinking of ways to work on it may just make the issue seem not so bad. Of course don't be snacking while writing your list! Have a big glass of ice cold water while your working, that will help hydrate you.
There is no better feeling in this world than feeling great!
This was me when I was feeling the best in my entire life! I had lost 50 pounds and finally felt fantastic inside and out. You would think that once you get to that point in your life that you would do anything & everything to stay there but as you know from reading my blog I have fallen of the feel good wagon and I feel like I have let myself down big time!
So join me and we will get to the feel good point in our lives!!
We just need to remember that we are important and we need to take care of ourselves. Sometimes we just need to put ourselves first, Life is too short to not be our best!!!!
Until Next Time - God Bless!!
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