Thursday, April 30, 2015

So How Is The Weight Loss Going?

Have you been having any luck with your weight loss yet?
I am really struggling!!!! I buy those weight watcher ice cream bars and eat the entire box in one day. The sad part is I do that about EVERY day! At $3.99 a box it is an expensive habit beyond the weight gain. I promised myself today when I went to Target that I would NOT buy another box, which I did not so I guess that's a victory of sorts. I bought carrots already cut into strips which I had with my low calorie ranch dressing. I have also had some issues with potato chips. These are the things I have to work on big time! Like just a few minutes ago I had my lunch and then I went and ate 2 large handfuls of chocolate chips!! So I blew the health lunch I had : (  These are the kinda thing that is driving me CRAZY! Why can I not just keep eating what I used to eat that I had such success with in losing the weight. I keep ruining it with bad snacks, chips or chocolate!
I weighed in this morning at 141.2 by evening I seem to gain 2 pounds thru out the day. This weight is just to heavy for me. I have a giggly belly and my hips & upper thighs are huge. I do try and bike ride every evening which I doesn't seem to be helping any......
I really thought when I started by to work I would lose a few pounds from all the moving around and lifting but No! Being at this weight is so uncomfortable when working, bending it starting to get harder to do. Also, I have been having terrible back pain at night when I try and sleep. Good Grief I need to pull up the boot straps and get back down to my fighting weight!

Until Next Time - God Bless!!

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