Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Don't Tell Me!

The scale has moved up AGAIN! It is now up to 146.2 - YIKES!!!!!
I had gone over to babysit my grand-daughter Friday night & Saturday, I thought for sure I would lose some weight just running after her (Isn't she just the cutest baby ever!) with all the bending and lifting but no, I gained!

 I did find my daughter-in-laws cookie stash and had a few but really not that many (but I guess it really doesn't take that many cookies to gain). We than went on Sunday to the Jacksonville Zoo. I tell you pictures don't lie! My husband took this picture of my daughter & I and holly hell I have gained a ton of weight : (  My legs look like chubbers again! My daughter is about 120lbs., and she looks great at that weight (we are both the same height), so I really need to get down to at least 130lbs.
The funny thing is I was out shopping today and do you know what I bought and ate in the car? Ding Dongs!!!! Can you imagine with all the complaining I have been doing about weight and I ate a ding dong...... Dam that was stupid!
I really see that one of my main problems is when I get off of work and just grab things because I am tired and hungry and don't feel like making lunch, I grab something simple even it it's not healthy. I also have been stressing about things which also doesn't help.
I was stressed about the babysitting, I thought she was going to cry the whole time but she was great no problems. The other issue is that my boss asked me if I would like to help her with a catering job she has tomorrow night from 4 to 6pm. she is going to pay me $100.00, I said sure. Of course I didn't have any clothes to wear, she wanted black pants & a white shirt. I went to a number of the resale shops and found the black pants but no white shirt. I did grab a white shirt with black flowers on it, she said that would be fine to wear (she didn't want me spending money on new clothes when the point is to be making money not spending it). I also had to find some shoes, I do not have any black dress shoes (she didn't want sneakers - and that is what I live in). I bought a pair of small heals at Walmart for $11.97, I just hope they are comfortable enough to stand in for over two hours! I am looking forward to the evening for something different to do instead of the same old thing every week. Of course I am a little nervous that I will drop something or maybe spill something on someone.
I'll let you know how it goes, Wish me luck!
Until Next Time - God Bless!!

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